The story of my Journey through the minefield of weightloss and personal discovery.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I did it!!

Rejoined WW today- online this time, since meetings were not convenient or practical. So I've picked a method that hopefully will be, making it easier for me to stay on track.

I bought a 'motivational tool' today- the WW weight tracker scales. They were pricey- $100, but worth it as they track everything, weight loss, BMI, bone density, fat mass, water levels, heaps of stuff. Since I wont be attending a meeting, I am hoping that this will make it easy and motivating to track my weight.

I feel good about my decision (though I am feeling a bit off in general- easy not to eat too much when your tummy feels queasy!) I know that it won't be easy, that I get lazy and bored easily with WW and with slow weight loss in general, so I need this time to learn from past experiences and do things differently. Someone has as their signature on the WW boards an Einstein quote- "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result" (or something like that!) so this time, I am determined not to be insane, lol.

Actually, I feel a bit like it's do or die time. Either this time I make it work, or I never will. I have nothing to back up this feeling except that I have done this so many times before and not stuck with it, that I think I need to do something differently or I wont ever find the gumption to make it happen. This is my last year of uni, at the end of this year I will be looking for full time work. Although I'd like to think that my weight was not an issue in obtaining a job, I don't want to be doubting myself from the outset because I don't feel confident about myself or how I look. I know I am capable of the job I want, but I need to feel confident in myself. I am going to be a lawyer, it's a high profile, tough environment to begin with, without doubting myself over my weight.

Tomorrow we are off the the Australian Reptile Park at Gosford, a fun day full of reptiles, spiders and koalas, and LOTS of walking round the park. I promise to post photos!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Kelly for rejoining! I go to meetings and enjoy it. Have met a girl there who is very similar to me in age, weight and even career. So I have the support. But if she wasn't there, I don't know how I would go!

    I have found the new easy recipe book really good for varied meals. I purchased it on monday and have used it for lunch and dinner for every day since. I am actually enjoying cooking again!

    If you really want to do it, you will.
